Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Mukjizat di sebalik BISMILLAH
BISMILLAH adalah sebutan/nama singkat dari lafaz "BISMILLAHIR ROHMAANIR ROHIIM" yang bermaksud "Dengan nama ALLAH Ya ng Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang."KELEBIHAN-KELEBIHAN BISMILLAH.
  • Yang pertama ditulis Qalam adalah BISMILLAH. Maka apabila kamu menulis sesuatu, maka tulislah BISMILLAH pada awalnya kerana BISMILLAH tertulis pada setiap wahyu yang Allah turunkan kepada Jibrail.
  • "BISMILLAH untukmu dan umahmu, suruhlah mereka apabila memohon sesuatu dengan BISMILLAH. Aku tidak akan meninggalkannya sekejap mata pun sejakBISMILLAH diturunkan kepada Adam.." (Hadith)
  • Tatkala BISMILLAH diturunkan ke dunia, maka semua awan berlari ke arah barat, angin terdiam, air laut bergelora, mendengarkan seluruh binatang dan terlempar semua syaitan.
  • Demi Allah dan keagunganNya, tidaklah BISMILLAH itu dibacakan pada orang sakit melainkan menjadi ubat untuknya dan tidaklah BISMILLAH dibacakan di atas sesuatu melainkan Allah beri berkat ke atasnya..
  • Barangsiapa yang ingin hidup bahagia dan mati syahid, maka bacalah BISMILLAH setiap kali memulakan sesuatu perkara yang baik.
  • Jumlah huruf dalam BSMILLAH ada 19 huruf dan malaikat penjaga neraka ada 19 ( <QS.AL Muddatsir:30).Ibnu Mas'ud berkata: "Sesiapa yang ingin Allah selamatkan dari 19 malaikat neraka maka bacalah BISMILLAH 19 kali setiap hari."
  • Tiap huruf BISMILLAH ada JUNNAH (penjaga/khadam) hingga tiap huruf berkata, "Siapa yang membaca BISMILLAH maka kamilah kekuatannya dan kamilah kehebatannya."
  • Barangsiapa yang memuliakan tulisan BISMILLAH nescaya Allah akan mengangkat namanya di syurga yang sangat tinggi dan diampunkan segala dosa kedua orang tuanya..
  • Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH maka akan bertasbihlah segala gunung kepadanya.
  • Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH sebanyak 21 kali ketika hendak tidur, maka akan terpelihara dari gangguan syaitan, kecurian dan kebakaran, maut mendadak dan bala.
  • Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH sebanyak 50 kali di hadapan orang yang zalim, hinalah dan masuk ketakutan dalam hati si zalim serta naiklah keberanian dan kehebatan kepada si pembaca.

Friday, September 3, 2010

From ogdc


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

m3v challenge

On Friday, my Friend and i went to Ogdc this is because we want to give some support 2 my friends yg participate m3v challenge ani. Do u guys know what is m3v ? let me tell u heheh. *mcm cigu plg ku ah *m3v challenge ni something related with the creativity u guys create a race car dari walkman. *pham kanak2?ehhe

Thursday, July 1, 2010

words that can make u feel better

When you are ill, our sun goes under a cloud. Your presence in our lives is such a bright joy that everything seems in shadow when you're not here. When you aren't feeling well, we feel the lack of your glowing energy and contagious vitality. When you are sick we feel incomplete, like a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece; Please rest, take good care of yourself, and feel better. We miss you and want you back.
Get well soon.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


  1. It is not allowed to wear short or t-shirt during the game. All players are required to wear long-sleeve shirts and full-length pants. Arms and legs must be fully covered during play.
  2. During a game, goggles are to be worn at all times by all persons on the playing field and never removed for any reason.
  3. No physical interaction whatsoever is allowed between players.
  4. It is forbidden to shoot from a distance under 5 meters. The capsule leaves the barrel with an average speed of 80-100 m/sec., and this may lead to injuries. If the distance between two rival players is under 5 meters, either both players increase the distance, or the referee stops the game.
  5. If a player holds his/her gun with both hands stretched out over his/her head, none is to shoot at the player. This movement is only allowed if the player is eliminated, or in a case of emergency.
  6. An eliminated player cannot shoot while walking out of the field, nor is s/he to be shot at.
  7. Referees are under no circumstances to be hit.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to bring or consume alcohol before, during, or after the game.


  1. A minimum of one person is designated as the Referee for each Paintball game. The Referee will be the one who starts the game, stops the game for paint checks, decides the issues that may arise and who ends the game. The Referee should have a whistle for signaling the start, stopping and ending of the game. As with all games, it does not pay to contradict the decisions of the referee, decisions by referees and judges are final and unarguable.
  2. A player is out of the game if he is hit by a marking pellet (paintball) and it breaks on him, this includes his clothing, gun or equipment. It doesn't matter whether the player is shot by a opposing player or a teammate (friendly fire). When a player is marked she/he is to immediately call themselves "OUT or DEADMAN". She/he must then hold their gun over their head, continue to call out "OUT or DEADMAN" and leave the playing field by the shortest and safest route.
  3. A player is not considered out of the game if she/he is struck by a marking pellet (paintball) and it does not break. A player is not considered out of the game if she/he is struck by a splatter from a marking pellet (paintball). Splatter is considered to be the spray or fragments from a marking pellet that has broken on an object such as a tree, bush or rock etc., close to the player. If a player calls herself/himself "OUT or DEADMAN", because they think that they have been hit by a marking pellet (paintball), she/he is immediately out of the game and must leave the playing field by the shortest and safest route. Even if the player discovers that they were not hit, after they make the call their out, and must leave the playing field at once.
  4. If two or more players mark each other simultaneously, all must be eliminated. A referee will decide who is to be eliminated when two or more players are marked
  5. If there is question as to whether a player has been marked, call for a "Paint Check", that's what the referee is for. When a Paint Check is called the game comes to a stop, all players remain where they are at until the referee clears the problem and restarts the game. Note also that during a Paint Check all players remain where they are when the Paint Check was called and by leaving that position during a Paint Check they can be called out by the referee or by a player reporting their movement to the referee.
  6. Predetermine the length of the game. Most games run 30 to 60 minutes, with 45 minutes being the average. The Referee will be the one who keeps track of the time. By setting time limits you make for a more aggressive game. If no one wins, who cares, go on to the next game and try some new strategy. Have Rest periods between games. Predetermine their length and have the referee keep track of the time. The Rest Periods allow the players to refresh themselves, to talk over the game that they have just played, to reload ammunition and Co2 gas, and to clean or repair equipment.
  7. If the game is a flag game, only one player is permitted to guard the flag at the station. If the guardian gets eliminated from the game, s/he leaves the flag at the point where s/he got shot.
  8. A player is not allowed to move together with the barricades.
  9. Whether "Dead Man Walking - DMW" is allowed or not needs to be predetermined by the teams. DMW is when a player, although not hit, walks alongside players who got shot and are walking out of the game field. This deception gives him/her the advantage to change his/her shelter or to get nearer to the rivals.
  10. "Dead Man Silent" is when a player gots hit and walks out of the field. During this walk s/he is not allowed to speak to any of the players. A marked player is to walk out of the field and to report immediately to the referee for a paint check.
  11. All paintballs used at the tournament must be purchased from the referee. No carry-on paintballs allowed. The game does not stop during this interaction. The referee leaves the paintballs to the player and walks away. The player runs the risk of getting hit while purchasing the paintballs.
  12. Paintballs purchased cannot be reimbursed.
  13. Every team has a captain. At the meeting, captains will receive any final instructions and written notice of rules. After the game, captains of both teams attend the calculation of the points done by the referee.
  14. Team captains have to waive to the referee, in order for the game to begin. The referee blows the whistle and the game commences officially.
  15. Set up the Boundaries of the playing field. Be sure that all players and the referee's) understand where they're located. The rules are: During the playing of a game, any player's) caught outside of the boundaries is/are out of the current game and are to leave the play field area at once. Any and all shots fired from outside the Boundaries do not count. No leaving and returning to the playing field during a game. Once your outside the Boundaries your out of the game. Only the game players and the Referee(s) are allowed on the playing field during the playing of a game. If an unauthorized person enters the playing field the game is to come to an immediate stop until that person leaves the playing field. Set up the field Boundaries so that any stray flying marking pellets (paintballs) do not strike any other persons personal property, such as houses, cars, etc..
  16. A team will be disqualified if any player enters or attempts to enter a playing field for a game without having signed a waiver.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

crush at someone

Sorry dude for the long term not updating my blog, and i'm sure that you guy are extremely waiting for my new post right? I didn't update my blog is because i was quite busy with my examination. now i am done with my examination n i got nice result and i can proceed to the next level. Right now in my college we have some activities such as Futsal tournament,netball tournmnt,Talentshow competition,drama and so on. In the quite bz days, i still feel so happy this is because eventhough i feel tired or busy with all those activities ,there is a girl who like to care about me n make me happy. I feel like being appreciate by someone.I love her so much. bt the question is Does she love me too? seriously i cn't forget about her. if she want me to wait ,i still can wait for her until she gt what she want to get as long as i cn b with her. if she is not my true love i still cn accept it as long as i cn keep in touch with her. I'm sure that you guys feel so curious right?who might b the girl?her name start wth Z** and her glamour name start wth S***y. OK i tink that all for today. i will continue my story when i gt my leisure time k?

Thursday, March 4, 2010